Free Tips for Success

Come get a taste of what Mind Body Reset Gym is all about! Here are some essential tips on how the change process works, obstacles in your way, and how to find the motivation to make the positive change permanent.

Understanding The Change Process

First, remember that any successful journey takes planning. You wouldn't dream of visiting a place you'd never been before without looking it up on google maps and using a GPS to give you turn-by-turn instructions. This is even more true if you anticipate obstacles like construction or lots of traffic along the way.


I'm not going to lie to you—this journey is hard work. Colin Powell was right when he said, “A dream doesn't become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.” Whether you join this gym or not, stay with your plan! Use the free resources we provide for you, map your plan, and stick to it. Tweak it where you need to and do the hard work necessary to be the best you! We here at the gym wish you the very best.

Beliefs and Why they Matter

Watch the video to learn about the foundational importance of beliefs to successful change.

The Five Predictors of Success

The weight loss journey you're on requires the same careful planning including awareness of obstacles and what you will do if you run into them. Your “roadmap” will be these worksheets. They divide your life's journey into measurable road trips that help you stay on track for the next adventure or unexpected detour. If you take the time and do the work to thoughtfully fill them out and consult and update them just as you would turn-by-turn GPS instructions, your chances of success increase considerably.

Resistance to Change

If you have a navigator in the car or someone who has been on the trip already, you'll increase your chances of reaching your destination faster and with fewer wrong turns. That's where the Mind Body Reset Gym and a coach can help. Start with these worksheets then if you need extra encouragement, support, or motivation to get you through, consider joining the Mind Body Reset Gym to get you over those bumps along the way.

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Purchase a gym membership and make a commitment to make positive mental changes in daily habits. We are here to help you be successful in your weight-loss journey.